Recommendations for Pro-Audio Courses this Fall 2020
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”18546″ img_size=”large”][ultimate_spacer height=”10″][vc_column_text]Whether or not your program is intending on using Soundcheck, I wanted to offer up some tips and recommendations I’ve learned from hundreds of hours of conversations with educators since the onset of the pandemic. Where it stands now, social restrictions are unpredictable. There have been multiple occasions where I’d be…
Read MoreUsing SoundcheckPro in a Course
Making the transition to virtual training could make one hesitant. There are many questions and considerations that rightfully need to be examined prior to making the jump. Whether or not you are an educator or student, the idea of virtual in audio technology has been a blackhole of discussions since the dawn of digital. There…
Read MoreCase Study: Teaching Signal Flow with Virtual Simulations
Educating students on the topics of consoles, patchbays and signal flow presents it’s share of challenges. Most scenarios the teacher won’t have hardware in front of the class. For those that do, there isn’t the capacity for the students to practice leading up to their first studio labs. Students will follow along in lectures about…
Read MoreCovid Response: Pro Audio Education
Pro-Audio classrooms are empty during the pandemic as courses have been forced to transition to online platforms. COVID-19 Response: Pro Audio Education There has been a drastic change to the way educational programs operate across every possible industry. The sense of “hands-on” experience has drifted for many as classes are transferred online to platforms…
Read MoreNAMM 2018 Recap
We were honored to participate in the very first AES@NAMM in Anaheim, January 2018. The Audio Engineering Society is the world’s leading community of audio engineers. NAMM is the world’s leading community of music industry professionals. This year was bigger than ever with new convention halls dedicated to pro-audio. We hosted 4 hybrid demo/presentations…
Read MoreAudio Education and Virtual Reality: Event at Melrose Center Orlando
We’re proud to announce our first partnership of 2018! The Melrose Center isn’t just part of any ordinary public library. Based in the heart of downtown Orlando, this center is a hub for creative technology and innovation. Melrose offers courses on-site and their schedule is jam-packed with classes ranging from film, VR, music and…
Read MoreNAMM 2018 : AudioFusion to Present Training Simulations + Virtual Reality for AES Studio Academy
The largest gathering of music industry professionals is here. Last year, AudioFusion held a successful exhibit on the main floor. This time around we’re hosting multiple presentations and demos in the AES Studio Academy during the NAMM show on Friday & Saturday. NAMM has always been an impressive event. This will be our…
Read MoreIn-App Refresh Updates
Keeping computer software up to date could present challenges for users and businesses. The whole idea of offering updates is to constantly better the core value and functionality of a software then, deliver it to users as intuitively as possible. Strangely, it tends to feel like I’m forcing my way through more steps to get…
Read MoreAudioFusion Brings On New Education Officer, Anthony Schultz
Transitioning the use of Virtual Analog Studio software into classrooms can be a challenge. It may seem simple but, we’ve seen common points of confusion for educators when adopting new technologies. We set out to overcome these obstacles and we’re brining on a new Education Officer, Anthony Schultz, to create relatable content for students &…
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